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zhang pu中文是什么意思

用"zhang pu"造句"zhang pu"怎么读"zhang pu" in a sentence


  • 张璞


  • The usage of landscape ecology in towns planning - zhang pu
  • On oct . 10 , 2000 , zhang pu , vice - mayor of weihai , met and feted mr . lu shiqing and lu shilie , president and vice president of s . korean feelux co . ltd
  • Zhang pu in the ming dynasty edited colletion of103 writers in the han andwei dynasties , one in which " collection of a chao qing - wu jun " , within its preface , wu was highly praised as " wit many poems , yue fu - more excellent "
    明张溥《汉魏六朝百三名家集》有《吴朝请集》 ,并加题辞,盛赞其文,并称“诗什累累,乐府尤高” 。
  • People have various opinions about " wu jun ' s style " , but more praised him and some with great reputation now take collection of 103 written by zhang pu in the ming dynasty ( version by studio of xing shu hi the qing dynasty ) as example and refer to . the articles of the whole hang ( verson of yang kejun in the qi dynasty ) and poems of the qing , han , weijin , nan and bei dynasties ( edited by lu qingli ) , etc
    今拟以明张溥《百三名家集》 (清朝信述堂刻本)为底本,参以《全梁文》 (清严可均) , 《先秦汉魏晋南北朝诗》 (逯钦立编) ,等诸本,依次选吴均文9篇、乐府20首、诗34首、小说4节加以校注。
用"zhang pu"造句  
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